A common understanding and implementation guidance for Sales and Operations Execution

Seeling, Marcelo Xavier; Kalla, Christian; Benites, Maryele Vieira de Arruda; Scavarda, Luiz Felipe; Hellingrath, Bernd

Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | Peer reviewed


In uncertain business environments, the realisation of the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) plan is challenged due to impactful short-term risks. Herein, Sales and Operations Execution (S&OE) has emerged as a promising solution. However, literature on S&OE is still scarce, revealing a current lack of knowledge of how it works and how it can operationalised. This paper aims to address this gap by developing a framework towards a common understanding and guidance for S&OE. A two-step research approach was followed, embracing expert interviews and a multiple case study. Results should aid firms in implementing S&OE in their real-life settings.

Details about the publication

Book titleProceedings of the 33rd International Purchasing & Supply Education & Research Association Conference
Page range1-10
Publishing companyInternational Purchasing & Supply Education & Research Association
Place of publicationRio de Janeiro, Brazil
Release year2024
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
ConferenceInternational Purchasing & Supply Education & Research Association Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywordssupply chain planning; S&OP; vertical alignment; uncertain environment; early action

Authors from the University of Münster

Hellingrath, Bernd
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)
Kalla, Christian
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)
Scavarda do Carmo, Luiz Felipe
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)