Small Spleen Peptides (SSPs) Shape Dendritic Cell Differentiation through Modulation of Extracellular ATP Synthesis Profile [Kleine Milzpeptide (SSPs) prägen die Differenzierung dendritischer Zellen durch Modulation des extrazellulären ATP-Syntheseprofils ]

Wixler, Viktor; Leite Dantas, Rafael; Varga, Georg; Boergeling, Yvonne; Ludwig, Stephan

Research article (journal) | Peer reviewed


Restoring peripheral immune tolerance is crucial for addressing autoimmune diseases. An ancient mechanism in maintaining the balance between inflammation and tolerance is the ratio of extracellular ATP (exATP) and adenosine. Our previous research demonstrated the effectiveness of small spleen peptides (SSPs) in inhibiting psoriatic arthritis progression, even in the presence of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFα, by transforming dendritic cells (DCs) into tolerogenic cells and fostering regulatory Foxp3+ Treg cells. Here, we identified thymosins as the primary constituents of SSPs, but recombinant thymosin peptides were less efficient in inhibiting arthritis than SSPs. Since Tβ4 is an ecto-ATPase-binding protein, we hypothesized that SSPs regulate exATP profiles. Real-time investigation of exATP levels in DCs revealed that tolerogenic stimulation led to robust de novo exATP synthesis followed by significant degradation, while immunogenic stimulation resulted in a less pronounced increase in exATP and less effective degradation. These contrasting exATP profiles were crucial in determining whether DCs entered an inflammatory or tolerogenic state, highlighting the significance of SSPs as natural regulators of peripheral immunological tolerance, with potential therapeutic benefits for autoimmune diseases. Finally, we demonstrated that the tolerogenic phenotype of SSPs is mainly influenced by adenosine receptors, and in vivo administration of SSPs inhibits psoriatic skin inflammation.

Details about the publication

Page range469-494
Release year2024 (11/04/2024)
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Link to the full text
Keywordssmall splenic peptides; dendritic cells; Treg cells; peripheral immune tolerance; extracellular ATP; adenosine; HUVECs; pericytes

Authors from the University of Münster

Börgeling, Yvonne
Institute of Molecular Virology
Ludwig, Stephan
Institute of Molecular Virology
Varga, Georg
University Children's Hospital Münster - Pediatric Rheumatology and Immunolgy
Wixler, Viktor
Institute of Molecular Virology