Ecclestone out, Liberty Media in: A Look into the Shifting Ownership Structure of Formula One [Ecclestone raus, Liberty Media rein: Ein Blick in die sich verändernde Eigentümerstruktur der Formel 1]

Evens, Tom; Tickell, Samuel; Naess, Hans Erik

Research article (book contribution) | Peer reviewed


This chapter examines the shifting ownership structure of Formula One (F1) and highlights Liberty Media’s purchase of F1, with the US media conglomerate ending 40 years of governance by the British entrepreneur Bernie Ecclestone. The chapter will reflect to what extent this event opens a new chapter for motor sport. First, the chapter discusses the interplay between sports and the media business and puts corporate integration between sports and media organisations into historical perspective. It claims that any trend towards ownership of sports organisations had been subsiding since the late 1990s, but that vertical takeovers have received renewed interest lately. Second, the chapter describes the shifting ownership structure of F1 and examines the latest acquisition by Liberty Media. With this deal, the former cable company further develops into an entertainment conglomerate with multiple activities in the growing leisure business. Finally, the chapter elaborates on the possible commercial future of F1 as a media sport and critically examines Liberty’s strategy to grow audiences and fully embrace digital media while protecting its broadcast television revenues.

Details about the publication

PublisherSturm, Damion; Wagg, Stephen; Andrews, David
Book titleThe History and Politics of Motor Racing: Lives in the Fast Lane
Page range571-592
Publishing companyPalgrave Macmillan
Place of publicationCharm
Title of seriesGlobal Sport and Culture Series
Release year2023
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Link to the full text
KeywordsF1; Liberty Media; Sports rights; Media sport

Authors from the University of Münster

Tickell, Samuel Charles
Professorship for Social Sciences of Sports (Prof. Meier)