Mid-infrared spectroscopy of sulfidation reaction products and implications for sulfur on Mercury

Renggli, CJ; Stojic, AN; Morlok, A; Berndt, J; Weber, I; Klemme, S; Hiesinger, H

Research article (journal) | Peer reviewed


We propose that the observed enrichment of sulfur at the surface of Mercury (up to 4 wt.%) is the product of silicate sulfidation reactions with a S-rich reduced volcanogenic gas phase. Here, we present new experiments on the sulfidation behavior of olivine, diopside, and anorthite. We investigate these reaction products, and those of sulfidized glasses with Mercury compositions previously reported, by mid-IR reflectance spectroscopy. We investigate both the reacted bulk materials as powders as well as cross-sections of the reaction products by in situ micro-IR spectroscopy. The mid-IR spectra confirm the presence of predicted reaction products including quartz. The mid-IR reflectance of sulfide reaction products, such as CaS (oldhamite) or MgS (niningerite), is insufficient to be observed in the complex run products. However, the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury will be able to test our hypothesis by investigating the correlated abundances of sulfides with other reaction products such as quartz.

Details about the publication

JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Planets
Page rangee2023JE0null
Release year2023
Link to the full texthttps://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2023JE007895
Keywordsmercury, gas, atmosphere, experiment, sulfidation, IR, FTIR, BepiColombo, ESA

Authors from the University of Münster

Gerdes, Jasper
Professur für Petrologie (Prof. Klemme)
Hiesinger, Harald
Professorship for geological planetology (Prof. Hiesinger)
Klemme, Stephan
Professur für Petrologie (Prof. Klemme)
Morlok, Andreas
Professorship for geological planetology (Prof. Hiesinger)
Stojic, Aleksandra
Professorship for geological planetology (Prof. Hiesinger)
Weber, Iris
Professorship for geological planetology (Prof. Hiesinger)