Colloidal quantum dots as single-photon sources for photonic integrated circuits

Eich A; Spiekermann TC; Sommer L; Gehring H; Rasmus JB; Pernice WHP; Schuck C

Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | Peer reviewed


We interface individual colloidal quantum dots, which are processed in solution on the chip-scale, with photonic integrated circuits and observe single-photon emission into a nanophotonic waveguide upon excitation from a separate waveguide channel.

Details about the publication

PublisherOptica Publishing Group
Book title{OSA} Advanced Photonics Congress 2021 (2021), paper IW1A.5
Page rangeIW1A.5-IW1A.5
Publishing companyOptica
Place of publicationWashington
Release year2021
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
ConferenceOSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2021, Washington, United States
Link to the full text
KeywordsDielectric waveguides, Electron beam lithography, Quantum dots, Quantum key distribution, Quantum light sources, Single-photon avalanche diodes

Authors from the University of Münster

Bankwitz, Julian Rasmus
Institute of Physics (PI)
Eich, Alexander
Junior professorship for integration and manipulation of quantum emitters (Prof. Schuck)
Gehring, Helge
Professorship for Experimental Physics and Physics of Responsive Nanosystems (Prof. Pernice)
Pernice, Wolfram
Professorship for Experimental Physics and Physics of Responsive Nanosystems (Prof. Pernice)
Schuck, Carsten
Junior professorship for integration and manipulation of quantum emitters (Prof. Schuck)
Sommer, Lisa
Junior professorship for integration and manipulation of quantum emitters (Prof. Schuck)
Spiekermann, Tobias Christian
Institute of Physics (PI)