High bandwidth photon detection enabled by a massively parallelized system

Bülter, Andreas;Tillmann, Max;Wahl, Michael;Röhlicke, Tino;Wernicke, Doreen;Wolff, Martin;Häussler, Matthias;Walter, Nicolai;Stegmüller, Robin;Beutel, Fabian;Pernice, Wolfram;Schuck, Carsten;Rödiger, Jasper;Langer, Torsten;Gerecke, Mario;Ortmann, Uwe

Poster | Peer reviewed


One key challenge in transferring single-photon based quantum technologies from a laboratory environment ‘into the field’ are the limited count rates achievable with today's hardware based on individual detection units. To overcome this limitation we have developed key components pushing beyond the bandwidth-limit of single devices with a massively parallelized (x64) single-photon detection system. Here, detector elements based on superconducting nanowires are optimized for lowest reset times and highest temporal resolution. On-chip (FPGA) data processing over all detector channels provides a viable solution to pre-process the potentially massive amount of initial data which is demonstarted in a QKD experiment.

Details about the publication

Article numberPC1201517
Statusaccepted / in press (not yet published)
Release year2023
ConferenceSPIE 2023, San Francisco, United States
Link to the full texthttps://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/PC12015/PC1201517/High-bandwidth-photon-detection-enabled-by-a-massively-parallelized-system/10.1117/12.2608713.full
KeywordsPhotodetectors;Data processing;Photonics systems;Sensors;Chemical elements;Quantum information;Single photon

Authors from the University of Münster

Beutel, Fabian
Professorship for Experimental Physics and Physics of Responsive Nanosystems (Prof. Pernice)
Häußler, Matthias
Junior professorship for integration and manipulation of quantum emitters (Prof. Schuck)
Pernice, Wolfram
Professorship for Experimental Physics and Physics of Responsive Nanosystems (Prof. Pernice)
Schuck, Carsten
Junior professorship for integration and manipulation of quantum emitters (Prof. Schuck)
Walter, Nicolai
Professorship for Experimental Physics and Physics of Responsive Nanosystems (Prof. Pernice)
Wolff, Martin Axel
Professorship for Experimental Physics and Physics of Responsive Nanosystems (Prof. Pernice)