Multi-channel waveguide-integrated single photon sources

Nenbangkaeo, Chaiyasit; Eich, Alexander; Spiekermann, Tobias; Schuck, Carsten

Poster | Peer reviewed


Integrated quantum photonic technology requires large numbers of single quantum emitters. While single-emitter systems have successfully been embedded into nanophotonic waveguides [1], the integration of larger numbers of single-photon sources into complex photonic circuits has remained a challenge. Here we show a novel approach that allows for simultaneously coupling single-photons from several independent colloidal quantum dots into tantalum pentoxide waveguides (Ta2O5). We employ a lithographic technique that probabilistically inserts quantum dots into a waveguide array and then deterministically remove multi-emitter systems until only a single-emitter per waveguide channel remains, thus achieving high-yield integration of single-photon sources across multiple nanophotonic channels. We demonstrate the feasibility of our method with autocorrelation measurements, showing anti-bunching of quantum dot photoluminescence for each individual channel. Our work paves the way for deterministically equipping photonic integrated circuits with large numbers of single-photon sources benefitting a wide range of applications in quantum technology.

Details about the publication

Article numberQ 53.6
Release year2023
ConferenceDPG Springmeeting 2023, Hannover, Germany
Link to the full text
KeywordsIntegrated quantum photonic technology; single quantum emitters;single-photon sources; complex photonic circuits; tantalum pentoxide waveguides; colloidal quantum dots;Ta2O5;deterministically remove multi-emitter systems

Authors from the University of Münster

Eich, Alexander
Junior professorship for integration and manipulation of quantum emitters (Prof. Schuck)
Nenbangkaeo, Chaiyasit
Junior professorship for integration and manipulation of quantum emitters (Prof. Schuck)
Schuck, Carsten
Junior professorship for integration and manipulation of quantum emitters (Prof. Schuck)
Münster Nanofabrication Facility (MNF)
Spiekermann, Tobias Christian
Institute of Physics (PI)