Al-rich chondrules from unequilibrated ordinary and CO carbonaceous chondrites: Evidence for 16O-enriched refractory precursors

Ebert S., Nagashima K., Krot A. N., Patzek M., Bischoff A.

Abstract in digital collection (conference) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

Release year2022
ConferenceMeteoritical Society Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom
KeywordsAluminium; Chondrules; refractory inclusions; oxygen; isotopes

Authors from the University of Münster

Bischoff, Addi (Adolf)
Working Group of apl. Prof. Bischoff
Ebert, Samuel
Professorship for experimental and analytical planetology (Prof. Kleine)
Patzek, Markus
Professorship for geological planetology (Prof. Hiesinger)