On the K-theory of Z/pn

Antieau, Benjamin; Krause, Achim; Nikolaus, Thomas

Research article in digital collection | Preprint | Peer reviewed


We announce new methods for using prismatic cohomology to compute the K-groups of Z/pn and related rings. We use computer algebra methods to compute these K-groups through a large range in specific cases and also obtain explicit formulas for their orders in large degrees.

Details about the publication

Name of the repositoryarxiv.org
Article number2204.03420
Release year2022
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Link to the full texthttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.03420.pdf

Authors from the University of Münster

Krause, Achim
Professorship for theoretical mathematics (Prof. Nikolaus)
Nikolaus, Thomas
Professorship for theoretical mathematics (Prof. Nikolaus)