Wann fällt der Apfel nicht weit vom Stamm? - Zeitpunkte familiärer Amtsübertragung in mamlukischer Zeit

Hees, Syrinx von

Research article (book contribution) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

PublisherWerner C.U., Szuppe M., Michel N., Fuess A.
Book titleFamilies, Authority, and the Transmission of Knowledge in the Early Modern Middle East
Page range111-136
Publishing companyBrepols Publishers
Place of publicationTurnhout
Title of seriesMiroir de l'Orient Musulman
Volume of series10
Release year2021
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
Link to the full texthttps://imperia.uni-muenster.de/imperia/md/content/arabistikislam/publikationen/hees_2021_amtsuebertragung.pdf
KeywordsAlter; Familie; Amt; mamlukische Geschichte

Authors from the University of Münster

von Hees, Syrinx
Professorship of Arabic literature and rhetoric (Prof. von Hees)