Unsere RBGs - Die vielen Gesichter feministischer Rechtswissenschaft

Guijarro Maria Victoria, Bredler Eva Maria, Storf Pia Lotta

Web publication (blog article) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

Name of the websitePolitik und Gesellschaft
Release year2021
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
Link to the full texthttps://politik-gesellschaft.com/2021/03/16/unsere-rbgs/
KeywordsFeministische Rechtswissenschaft in Deutschland; Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Authors from the University of Münster

Bredler, Eva Maria
Professorship of international public law and international human right protection (Prof. Markard)
Guijarro Santos, Maria Victoria
Professorship of international public law and international human right protection (Prof. Markard)
Storf, Pia Lotta
Professorship of international public law and international human right protection (Prof. Markard)