Theologiestudium im digitalen Zeitalter

Burke, Andree; Hiepel, Ludger; Niggemeier, Volker; Zimmermann, Barbara

Book (edited collection) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

Publishing companyKohlhammer Verlag
Place of publicationStuttgart
Release year2020 (17/12/2020)
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
KeywordsTheologie; Digitalisierung; Didaktik; Hochschullehre;

Editors from the University of Münster

Burke, Andree
FB02 - Faculty of Catholic Theology (FB02)
Hiepel, Ludger
Department of Contemporary and Religious History of the Old Testament
Institute for Biblical Exegesis and Theology
Niggemeier, Volker
Department of Exegesis of the New Testament
Institute for Biblical Exegesis and Theology
Zimmermann, Barbara
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