Bonaiuti S, Blodau C, Knorr K-H
Research article (journal) | Peer reviewedAbstract: Burial of organic matter in deep peat deposits has already been experimentally demostrated to slow down or even inhibit anaerobic decomposition due to lack of diffusive transport and end-product accumulation. However, so far little is known about potential biogeochemical or thermodynamic indicators for the observed inhibition of further decomposition. For example, theoretical energy yields for methanogenesis, hydrogen partial pressures, stable isotope fractionation factors between CO2 and CH4, and electrochemical properties of dissolved organic matter have been proposed as thermodyamic indicators for such inhibition. To test the applicability and explanatory power of these indicators to identify conditions inhibiting organic matter decomposition, we incubated homogenized ombrotrophic peat for 300 days at 20°C under diffusive flux conditions as control, and compared the observed effects to a treatment with vertical advective transport by water circulation and to a treatment in which both the unsaturated and water-saturated zone of the peat profile were kept anoxic. Results of energy yields of acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis were compared to hydrogen partial pressures, to 13C isotope fractionation factors and to redox properties of dissolved organic matter as obtained from mediated electrochemical oxidation and reduction. While CO2 and CH4 production slowed substantially in the deep peat profile, a concomitant decrease of Gibs free energy yields available to hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogensis and hydrogen and acetate concentrations over time supported a thermodynamic constraint on methanogenesis. Although, energy yields for the hydrogenotrophic pathway were close to or below the theoretical energy minimum levels already after 15 days. Transiently elevated H2concentrations, not related to actual methanogenesis rates were observed for about 150–225 days. Thereafter, hydrogen concentrations diminished to levels below thresholds to thermodynamically support ongoing methanogenesis. Thus even on incubation timescales of 150–225 days, steady-state hydrogen concentrations as would be expected from thermodynamic considerations did not adjust on the bulk scale of observation. Gibbs free energy estimates for methanogenesis based on hydrogen partial pressures were consequently biased and did not reach the minimum required threshold despite ovious net CH4production. Ratios between electron accepting (EAC) and donating (EDC) capacity of dissolved organic matter, however, turned out to provide suitable indicators of predominant redox conditions along gradients, stabilizing at low values upon onset of methanogenesis. Thus, our study demonstrated that the thermodynamically driven slow down of decomposition in deep peat deposits, preventing the peat to decompose further, cannot be easily identified based on a single indicator. However, constant and high concentrations of decomposition end-products, indicating zero net turnover and low energy yields, and constantly low EAC/EDC ratios, indicating no further availability of terminal electron acceptors, seem to be characteristic of the onset of conditions inhibiting further significant decomposition of peat.
Blodau, Christian | Professur für Hydrologie (Prof. Blodau) |
Bonaiuti, Simona | Professur für Hydrologie (Prof. Blodau) |
Knorr, Klaus-Holger | Professorship for hydrology (Prof. Knorr) |