Divergent effect of silicon on greenhouse gas production from reduced and oxidized peat organic matter

Hömberg A, Broder T, Knorr K-H, Schaller J

Research article (journal) | Peer reviewed


Abstract: Peatlands store about 30% of the global soil carbon (C) stock. The decomposition of peat C in these systems depends on environmental parameters – such as water table levels and corresponding availability of electron acceptors for microbial respiration. Due to the latter, potential peat decomposition depends also on whether the material is initially oxidized or reduced prior to decomposition experiments. Recent studies revealed the importance of silicon (Si) for peat decomposition. High amounts of biogenic Si were found in peatlands, in particular in minerotrophic fens, and the importance of Si for graminoids and decomposability of respective litter has been widely discussed. Furthermore, the availability of Si was reported to influence the binding of phosphorus (P) to iron (Fe) and thereby the conditions under which decomposition proceeds. Yet the influence of Si on greenhouse gas production in peat under different initial redox conditions is largely unknown. Therefore, we intended to test the effect of Si on greenhouse gas production under different initial electron acceptor availabilities for microbial respiration, such as the availability of ferric Fe. We conducted two incubation experiments with initially oxidized and reduced peat organic matter (OM). We hypothesized that Si can mobilize P from Fe minerals, which increases microbial activity, and leads to higher production rates of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Using the two different materials, we studied how initial redox conditions would modify effects of Si. As the predominant form of Fe as either ferric Fe-(oxy)hydroxides or as ferrous Fe minerals (sulfides, carbonates) is important for interaction with Si, we further hypothesized that Si effects should be stronger in initially oxidized peat in presence of ferric Fe, compared to initially reduced peat with ferrous Fe only. For incubation experiments using formerly oxidized material the Si addition increased P concentrations in the pore water, and more CO2was produced. The onset of methanogenesis was much stronger with than without addition of Si, indicating a more rapid depletion of electron acceptors by faster rates of respiration. We explain this by more P being available stimulating microbial activity, and also by a direct effect of Si on microbial activity and methanogenesis. The incubation of formerly reduced OM did not show any effects of Si on respiration processes, presumably due to the absence of ferric Fe phases. In conclusion, there was a clear difference in the effect of Si addition on decomposition of formerly oxidized compared to long term reduced OM, with only oxidized peat OM or peat with ferric Fe phases present showing clear Si effects. Consequently, redox conditions and availability of ferric Fe are a main control for Si effects on OM decomposition and nutrient availability. Little effects of Si can be expected under permanently reducing conditions and in absence of ferric Fe phases.

Details about the publication

Release year2021 (15/03/2021)
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Link to the full texthttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0016706120326719
KeywordsSilica; Organic matter; Redox conditions; Peat decomposition; Phosphorus mobilization; Incubation experiments

Authors from the University of Münster

Broder, Tanja
Professorship for hydrology (Prof. Knorr)
Hömberg, Annkathrin
Professorship for hydrology (Prof. Knorr)
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Professorship for hydrology (Prof. Knorr)