Ignorant Dutch Boys Reading German Philosophy? The Concept of Ignorance in Rhijnvis Feith’s Brieven aan Sophie (1806) and Johannes Kinker’s Brieven van Sophie aan Mr. Rhynvis Feith (1807)

Van Dam Beatrix

Research article (journal) | Peer reviewed


Abstract: The reception of Enlightenment philosophy in the Netherlands has beeninterpreted in different ways. The idea that the Dutch completely ignoredenlightened philosophy was replaced by the idea that there was a special Dutchmodification of Enlightenment thought. Through analyzing concepts of ignorancein Feith’s and Kinker’s discussions about Kantianism, I show that enlightenedthinking is a international, multilayered process rather than a development that canbe grasped in national frames. That way in Feith’s and Kinker’s letters a clashbetween academic and popular philosophy becomes visible that cannot be labelled‘Dutch’, but is a broader trend that indicates conflicting concepts of what can orshould (not) be known. One strategy displayed in Feith’s letters is that of consciouslyignoring Kant’s insights in order to preserve a notion of direct access to the worldthat is more apt to everyday experience and cultural knowledge. He tries to claimthis intuitive truth by evoking a literary sphere that can deliver insights withoutengaging into logical argument.

Details about the publication

Statusonline first
Release year2018
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Keywordsignorance; onwetendheid; Enlightenment; Verlichting; RhijnvisFeith; Johannes Kinker; knowledge; kennis

Authors from the University of Münster

van Dam, Beatrix Theresa
Professur für Moderne Niederländische Literatur (Prof. Missinne)