Low-femtogram sensitivity analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons using GC-APLI-TOF mass spectrometry: Extending the target window for aromatic steroids in early Proterozoic rocks

Leider A, Richter-Brockmann S, Nettersheim BJ, Achten C, Hallmann C

Research article (journal) | Peer reviewed


Reading the molecular record of early life on Earth can be challenging as a consequence of the thermaldecomposition of biomarker hydrocarbons during extended and deep sedimentary burial. Biomarkersthat appear absent may still exist in concentrations far below the detection limit of regular analyticaltechniques. Hence thermal maturation and analytical limitations form a major hurdle for the unambiguousreconstruction of Earth’s earliest ecosystems. Specific degradation products of hopanes and steranesmight still carry diagnostic value for the reconstruction of past biota when found in mature oils and sedimentextracts, but their concentrations are often exceedingly low. We here report on the use of gaschromatography–time-of-flight-mass spectrometry with laser ionization at atmospheric pressure (GCAPLI-TOF-MS) for the identification and quantification of aromatic steroids. GC-APLI-TOF-MS analysesof a reference oil revealed that triaromatic steroids (TAs) can be detected with significantly higher sensitivityand selectivity compared to commonly used electron impact ionization GC-MS in selected ionmonitoring mode, while the limit of detection for retene was as low as 25 fg on column.Paleoproterozoic (1.64 Ga) sedimentary rocks of the Barney Creek Formation yield the so far oldest unambiguousaromatic steroids. GC-APLI-TOF-MS applied to these rocks revealed the presence of TAs in evendeeper parts of this succession, where they are represented by short chain homologues only. While theTA-I/(TA-I + TA-II) parameter is principally controlled by thermal degradation of longer chain homologues,the complete disappearance of TA-II already at 435–442 C Tmax, may point towards an uncommonthermal gradient in the Barney Creek Formation or towards other influencing factors. GC-APLITOF-MS proves to be a highly promising tool that might extend molecular geobiological approaches toolder sedimentary basins that were hitherto precluded from organic geochemical approaches by theirelevated thermal maturity.

Details about the publication

JournalOrganic Geochemistry
Page range77-87
Release year2019
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
KeywordsGC-APLI-MS; Aromatic steroids; Detection limit; Early life; Thermal maturity

Authors from the University of Münster

Achten, Christine
Professur für Angewandte Geologie (Prof. Achten)
Große Brinkhaus, Sigrid
Professur für Angewandte Geologie (Prof. Achten)