Fair Value Accounting. Implications for Users of Financial Statements

Bachert K

Book (monograph) | Peer reviewed


Fair value accounting is a major feature of financial reporting under IFRS. It is assumed to provide more timely and relevant information for users of financial statements compared to historical cost. Thus, several standards either require assets to be measured at fair value or at least provide an option to fair value measurement. However, the global financial crisis led to a considerable debate about the usefulness of fair values in financial statements. Opponents of the fair value regime argue that fair value measurement of assets and liabilities is potentially misleading, especially when fair values are not derived from active markets.

Details about the publication

Publishing companyPeter Lang
Place of publicationFrankfurt a. M.
Title of seriesMünsteraner Schriften zur Internationalen Unternehmensrechnung
Volume of series7
Release year2012
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish

Authors from the University of Münster

Bachert, Kristian
Chair of International Accounting (IUR)