An investigation of the interactions between an E. coli bacterial quorum sensing biosensor and chitosan-based nanocapsules

Qin X., Engwer C., Desai S., Vila-Sanjurjo C., Goycoolea F.

Research article (journal) | Peer reviewed


We examined the interaction between chitosan-based nanocapsules (NC), with average hydrodynamic diameter ∼114–155 nm, polydispersity ∼0.127, and ζ-potential ∼+50 mV, and an E. coli bacterial quorum sensing reporter strain. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) allowed full characterization and assessment of the absolute concentration of NC per unit volume in suspension. By centrifugation, DLS, and NTA, we determined experimentally a “stoichiometric” ratio of ∼80 NC/bacterium. By SEM it was possible to image the aggregation between NC and bacteria. Moreover, we developed a custom in silico platform to simulate the behavior of particles with diameters of 150 nm and ζ-potential of +50 mV on the bacterial surface. We computed the detailed force interactions between NC-NC and NC-bacteria and found that a maximum number of 145 particles might interact at the bacterial surface. Additionally, we found that the “stoichiometric” ratio of NC and bacteria has a strong influence on the bacterial behavior and influences the quorum sensing response, particularly due to the aggregation driven by NC.

Details about the publication

JournalColloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
Page range358-368
Release year2017
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Link to the full text
KeywordsBacteria; Chitosan; Interactions; Nanocapsules; Quorum sensing

Authors from the University of Münster

Engwer, Christoph
Professorship for NANOBiotechnology (Prof. Goycoolea)
Goycoolea, Francisco M.
Professorship for NANOBiotechnology (Prof. Goycoolea)
Qin, Xiaofei
Professorship for NANOBiotechnology (Prof. Goycoolea)