Validation of pre-cystectomy nomograms for the prediction of locally advanced urothelial bladder cancer in a multicentre study. Are we able to adequately predict locally advanced tumour stages before surgery? | Validierung von Präzystektomienomogrammen zur Vorhersage lokal fortgeschrittener Harnblasenkarzinome in einer multizentrischen Studie. Können wir lokal fortgeschrittene Tumorstadien präoperativ ausreichend sicher vorhersagen?
May M, Burger M, Brookman-May S, Otto W, Peter J, Rud O, Fritsche H-M, Bolenz C, Trojan L, Herrmann E, Michel MS, Wülfing C, Moritz R, Tiemann A, Müller SC, Ellinger J, Buchner A, Stief CG, Tilki D, Wieland WF, Gilfrich C, Höfner T, Hohenfellner M, Haferkamp A, Roigas J, Bretschneider-Ehrenberg P, Müller O, Zacharias M, Gunia S, Bastian PJ
Research article (journal) | Peer reviewedDetails about the publication
Journal: Urologe A
Volume: 50
Issue: 6
Page range: 706-713
Status: Published
Release year: 2011 (31/12/2011)
Language in which the publication is written: German
Authors from the University of Münster