Essen und Trinken in der frühneuzeitlichen Reichsstadt Speyer. Die Rechnungen des Spitals St. Georg (1514-1600)

Hartmann Andreas, Mohrmann Ruth-Elisabeth, Timm Elisabeth

Book (edited collection) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

Publishing companyWaxmann
Place of publicationMünster
Title of seriesMünsteraner Schriften zur Volkskunde/Europäischen Ethnologie
Volume of series17
Release year2012
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman

Editors from the University of Münster

Hartmann, Andreas
Professur für Volkskunde (Prof. Hartmann)
Mohrmann, Ruth-Elisabeth
Institute for Cultural Anthropology/ European Ethnology
Timm, Elisabeth
Institute for Cultural Anthropology/ European Ethnology