Brox C
Research article in edited proceedings (conference)Marketing is an obvious and successful tool in industry. However, it is little developed in the strategies and business processes of GI institutes. In GI education, institute managers face decreasing number of students, increasing quality control, and increasing national and international competition. This evokes the need for extended business-oriented marketing strategies. But most of the GI institute managers are not experts in marketing. We describe how the Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, is dealing with these challenges: Why we think it necessary to improve our marketing, what we did so far, and what we are planning for the development and implementation of marketing concepts. This paper's goal is two-folded: To provide information and ideas to GI institute managers in similar situations, and to initiate discussions and receive feedback for our initiatives.
Brox, Christoph | Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi) |