Transition from static to kinetic friction of metallic nanoparticles

Dietzel D, Feldmann M, Fuchs H, Schwarz UD, Schirmeisen A

Research article (journal)


Nanometer scale metallic islands were manipulated on a graphite surface by placing the tip of an atomic force microscope on top of the particles. Above a certain lateral force threshold particle sliding is observed, which allows us to quantify the transition from static to kinetic friction. This transition shows hysteretic character in the force domain and is characterized by a constant ratio of kinetic versus static friction of one half.

Details about the publication

JournalApplied Physics Letters (Appl. Phys. Lett.)
Release year2009 (03/08/2009)
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Keywordsantimony atomic force microscopy graphite nanoparticles sliding friction stiction force microscopy scale

Authors from the University of Münster

Dietzel, Dirk
Institute of Physics (PI)
Feldmann, Michael
Institute of Physics (PI)
Fuchs, Harald
Interface Physics Group (Prof. Fuchs)
Schirmeisen, André
Institute of Physics (PI)