Surface-mounted molecular rotors with variable functional groups and rotation radii.

Zhong D, Blömker T, Wedeking K, Chi L, Erker G, Fuchs H

Research article (journal)


A strategy for designing and activating surface-mounted molecular rotors with variable rotation radii and functional groups is proposed and demonstrated. The key point of the strategy is to separate the anchor and the rotating functional group from each other by using a connector of adjustable length. The three independent parts of the molecule are responsible for different functions to support the rotating movement of the molecule as a whole. In this way, one can easily change each part to obtain molecular rotors with different sizes, anchors, and functional rotating groups.

Details about the publication

JournalNano Letters (Nano Lett.)
Page range4387-91
Release year2009 (31/12/2009)
Keywordsactivating surface-mounted; rotation radii; rotating movement

Authors from the University of Münster

Chi, Lifeng
Interface Physics Group (Prof. Fuchs)
Erker, Gerhard
Professur für Organische Chemie (Prof. Erker)
Fuchs, Harald
Interface Physics Group (Prof. Fuchs)
Zhong, Dingyong
Institute of Physics (PI)