[Highly active antiretroviral therapy of neuro-AIDS. Side effects on the nervous system and interactions]

Husstedt IW, Reichelt D, Neuen-Jakob E, Hahn K, Kästner F, von Einsiedel R, Vielhaber B, Arendt G, Evers S

Research article (journal)


Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has increased the mean survival time in the AIDS stage to sometimes more than 10 years. Five different groups of antiretroviral medications are known, of which integrase inhibitors and CCR5 antagonists represent the newest and most modern substances. The long AIDS survival time implies that side effects and interactions become relatively more important and must be differentiated from the symptoms of HIV itself. Side effects of HAART concern the central and peripheral nervous system and the muscles. The neurotoxicity of the components in HAART varies considerably and depends on the substance itself. Knowledge of side effects and interactions of HAART with antiepileptics, antidepressants, and analgetics are essential for the treatment of patients with neuro-AIDS.

Details about the publication

JournalDer Nervenarzt
Release year2009
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
KeywordsPeripheral Nervous System Diseases; Brain Diseases; AIDS Dementia Complex; Antiretroviral Therapy Highly Active; Anti-HIV Agents; Humans; Peripheral Nervous System Diseases; Brain Diseases; AIDS Dementia Complex; Antiretroviral Therapy Highly Active; Anti-HIV Agents; Humans

Authors from the University of Münster

Husstedt, Ingo-W.
Neurology Clinic [closed]
Kästner, Florian
Clinic for Mental Health
Reichelt, Doris Lisa Ilse
Medical Clinic of Internal Medicine D (Nephrology and Rheumatology) (Med D)