Prismatic cohomology relative to $\delta$-rings

Antieau Benjamin; Krause Achim; Nikolaus Thomas

Research article in digital collection | Preprint | Peer reviewed


We develop prismatic and syntomic cohomology relative to a δ-ring. This simultaneously generalizes Bhatt and Scholze's absolute and relative prismatic cohomology and shows that the latter, which was defined relative to a prism, is in fact independent of the prism structure and only depends on the underlying δ-ring. We give several possible definitions of our new version of prismatic cohomology: a site theoretic definition, one using prismatic crystals, and a stack theoretic definition. These are equivalent under mild syntomicity hypotheses. As an application, we note how the theory of prismatic cohomology of filtered rings arises naturally in this context.

Details about the publication

Name of the
Release year2023
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Link to the full text
KeywordsK-theory; homolgy

Authors from the University of Münster

Nikolaus, Thomas
Professorship for theoretical mathematics (Prof. Nikolaus)