Das literarische Leitmotiv und seine Funktionen in Romanen von Aldous Huxley, Virginia Woolf und James Joyce

Boekhorst, Peter te

Thesis (doctoral or post-doctoral)

Details about the publication

Publishing companyPeter Lang
Place of publicationFrankfurt am Main
Title of seriesEuropäische Hochschulschriften : Reihe 14, Angelsächsische Sprache und Literatur
Volume of series176
Release year1987
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
Type of thesisDissertation thesis
University of graduationWestfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Graduation year1986
KeywordsHuxley; Aldous; Roman; Leitmotiv; Woolf; Virginia; Joyce; James: Ulysses

Authors from the University of Münster

te Boekhorst, Peter
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