Alexander Sommer, Stefanie Weigel, Hans-Werner Hense, Joachim Gerß, Veronika Weyer-Elberich, Laura Kerschke, Elke Nekolla, Horst Lenzen & Walter Heindel for the TOSYMA Screening Trial Study Group
Research article (journal) | Peer reviewedObjectives: The randomized TOmosynthesis plus SYnthesized MAmmography (TOSYMA) screening trial has shown that digital breast tomosynthesis plus synthesized mammography (DBT + SM) is superior to digital mammography (DM) in invasive breast cancer detection varying with breast density. On the other hand, the overall average glandular dose (AGD) of DBT is higher than that of DM. Comparing the DBT + SM and DM trial arm, we analyzed here the mean AGD and their determinants per breast density category and related them to the respective invasive cancer detection rates (iCDR). Methods: TOSYMA screened 99,689 women aged 50 to 69 years. Compression force, resulting breast thickness, the calculated AGD obtained from each mammography device, and previously published iCDR were used for comparisons across breast density categories in the two trial arms. Results: There were 196,622 exposures of 49,227 women (DBT + SM) and 197,037 exposures of 49,132 women (DM) available for analyses. Mean breast thicknesses declined from breast density category A (fatty) to D (extremely dense) in both trial arms. However, while the mean AGD in the DBT + SM arm declined concomitantly from category A (2.41 mGy) to D (1.89 mGy), it remained almost unchanged in the DM arm (1.46 and 1.51 mGy, respectively). In relative terms, the AGD elevation in the DBT + SM arm (64.4% (A), by 44.5% (B), 27.8% (C), and 26.0% (D)) was lowest in dense breasts where, however, the highest iCDR were observed. Conclusion: Women with dense breasts may specifically benefit from DBT + SM screening as high cancer detection is achieved with only moderate AGD elevations. Clinical relevance statement: TOSYMA suggests a favorable constellation for screening with digital breast tomosynthesis plus synthesized mammography (DBT + SM) in dense breasts when weighing average glandular dose elevation against raised invasive breast cancer detection rates. There is potential for density-, i.e., risk-adapted population-wide breast cancer screening with DBT + SM. Key points: Breast thickness declines with visually increasing density in digital mammography (DM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). Average glandular doses of DBT decrease with increasing density; digital mammography shows lower and more constant values. With the smallest average glandular dose difference in dense breasts, DBT plus SM had the highest difference in invasive breast cancer detection rates.
Gerß, Joachim | Institute of Biostatistics and Clinical Research (IBKF) |
Heindel, Walter Leonhard | Clinic of Radiology |
Hense, Hans-Werner | Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine |
Lenzen, Horst | Clinic of Radiology |
Sommer, Alexander | Clinic of Radiology |
Weigel, Stefanie Bettina | Clinic of Radiology |
Weyer-Elberich, Veronika | Institute of Biostatistics and Clinical Research (IBKF) |