The Future Mobility Lab is a cooperation between ERCIS and Transdev. Transdev, part of the Rethmann Group, is the second largest rail- and bus company in Germany and thus the largest private bus and rail company in Germany, also operating in over 30 countries. The purpose of the Future Mobility Labs is to provide engagement opportunities for students, faculty, and practice on the design of innovative solutions for the future of mobility. Students at ERCIS should be introduced to real-world challenges of future mobility, as identified in the discourse with Transdev and its international partners. Such solutions should in turn be co-designed with representatives from industry and governments and tested in practice. Findings will be published and communicated to the public. The Future Mobility Labs is inclusive and open to anyone who wants to contribute to this goal.
vom Brocke, Jan | Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management (Prof. vom Brocke) (BPM) |
vom Brocke, Jan | Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management (Prof. vom Brocke) (BPM) |
Burger, Mara | Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management (Prof. vom Brocke) (BPM) |
Näscher, Hans-Henning | Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management (Prof. vom Brocke) (BPM) |