Reception History of the Hebrew Bible (Rezeptionsgeschichte Bibel)

Basic data for this project

Type of projectOwn resources project
Duration at the University of Münster01/01/2005 - 29/10/2018


Christian interpretation of the Hebrew Bible has to be aware of the whole range of cultural receptions of the Bible. Otherwise it runs the risk not to realize methodological and hermeneutical traps or cooptations by ideologies. By this, it undermines the relevance of its efforts in research. On the other hand, it deprives itself of numerous fascinating interpretations of the Bible grown beyond its own methodological or hermeneutical fields, interpretations which can throw new light on the biblical texts themselves. A first focus of the project is on the problem of Christian anti-judaism in readings the Old Testament, a second focus is on contemporary philosophical readers or readings of the Hebrew Bible, and a third line is readings of the Hebrew Bible in the context of social or political movements.

KeywordsReception history; Christian Anti-Judaism; philosophical readings of the Hebrew Bible; social or political readings of the Hebrew Bible

Project management at the University of Münster

Wacker, Marie-Theres
Professur für Exegese des Alten Testaments (Prof. Wacker)