"Literary Criticism in the Light of Documented Evidence" (Team 3 in the Centre of Excellence "Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions" of the Academy of Finland) (CSTT)

Basic data for this project

Type of projectOwn resources project
Duration at the University of Münstersince 01/04/2014


Team 3 investigates the methodological relationship between literary criticism (Literarkritik) and other methodologies of Biblical and related studies. The starting point will be the changes observed in the Hebrew scriptures by literary criticism, but it engages documented evidence of textual witnesses, thus deepening our understanding of how to investigate texts where documented evidence is not available. It also investigates the interrelationship between changes in the texts and changes in the society, religion and history as witnessed by other methodologies, such as archaeology and Near Eastern studies. The ultimate goal is to ask, how integral and necessary literary criticism is for investigating ancient Israel and Yehud.

Keywordstextual criticism; literary criticism; redactional criticism; documented evidence; exegetical methodology
Website of the projecthttp://blogs.helsinki.fi/sacredtexts/teams/litcrit/

Project management at the University of Münster

Müller, Reinhard
Professur für Altes Testament (Prof. Müller)