The research project „Foreign States and International Organizations in the perception of Arab publics" analyses citizens' attitudes toward external actors in Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan. We are interested in testing which factors - e.g., denomination, religiosity, the attitudes of elites, the behavior of the external actors - influence citizens' attitudes, and to what extent the Arab Spring - through changing the sociopolitical conditions - had an impact on these attitudes. For answering these questions, we analyze survey data on citizens' attitudes in the respective countries (Arab Barometer, PEW Global Attitudes Survey, etc.) and, additionally, conduct a quantitative media content analysis for identifying the - communicated - elite positions toward the external actors. By combining these different datasets and by comparing different points in time, we will be able to better explain and understand the factors driving individual attitudes toward international actors and the effects which the Arab Spring has had on these attitudes.
Schlipphak, Bernd | Professur für Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung (Prof. Schlipphak) |
Schlipphak, Bernd | Professur für Politikwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung (Prof. Schlipphak) |
Isani, Mujtaba | Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |