Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Internationaler Preis für Forschung in Deutschland für Prof. Dr. Michael Weiss

Basic data for this project

Type of projectIndividual project
Duration at the University of Münster01/04/2012 - 31/03/2017


One of his greatest achievements is proving the Mumford conjecture, a mathematical problem that extends into many areas of the discipline. At the University of Münster, Weiss is to take on a new professorship in mathematics and strengthen geometric research in Münster, as well as helping the university join the world’s leading institutes in topology.

KeywordsMathematics, Topology; Mumford conjecture; geometry
Website of the project
Funder / funding scheme
  • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (AvH)

Project management at the University of Münster

Weiss, Michael
Professorship of Topology (Prof. Weiss)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Weiss, Michael
Professorship of Topology (Prof. Weiss)