The theatre of the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times is a paradigmatic stage and aesthetic medium of symbolic communication. In accordance with the general subject of the collaborative research centre (SFB 496), the main focus is on the perceptions of values and systems of order as presented in drama, as far as these are mediated through forms of symbolic presentation, that is, through allegory and metaphors in the texts; through the objects, actions, and characters visible on the stage; and, finally, through the very subject matter and staging of the plays.
Meier-Staubach, Christel | Department of Medieval Latin and Neo‐Latin Philology
Meier-Staubach, Christel | Department of Medieval Latin and Neo‐Latin Philology
Kemper, Angelika | Sonderforschungsbereich 496 - Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme vom Mittelalter bis zur französ. Revolution |