is an independent site that aggregates information users provide about their experience with academic journals' review processes so that others can be as informed as possible as they consider journal submissions. JournalReviewer is for anyone who is considering a manuscript submission and wants to know a little bit more about what they can expect from their experience. Preparing a manuscript that’s time-sensitive and trying to avoid a long review period? Hoping to get extensive feedback from reviewers? Check JournalReviewer to see other users’ reports for that journal’s time under review, number of reviewers, length of reviews, and other details about their review experiences. JournalReviewer collects both objective and subjective information in each user’s report for a journal, providing you with a range of information as you consider what journal is right for your submission.We need to have information to share it with other users, so JournalReviewer is also for anyone who has submitted to an academic journal and who wants to help improve the experiences of other JournalReviewer users by sharing information about that experience. We also hope JournalReviewer will be a useful resource to celebrate the best qualities of journals and the hard work their editorial staff and volunteers do to provide a quality review process.We think that manuscript submitters have a right to know as much as possible about their submission options as they work to publish their writing, and we think that journal editors and reviewers should be applauded when they provide consistent high-quality feedback. Hopefully, you can help us make JournalReviewer a resource that serves both of those ideals.
Elson, Malte | Professur für Kommunikationswissenschaft, Schwerpunkt: Onlinekommunikation (Prof. Quandt) |