Meta-Heuristiken im Supply Chain Planning - Projektbezogener Personenaustausch mit Brasilien (PROBRAL)

Basic data for this project

Type of projectParticipation in other joint projects
Duration at the University of Münster01/01/2012 - 31/12/2013


The Brazilian-German research project “Application and Extension of Meta-Heuristics for Supply Chain Planning” is part of the bilateral research support program from the Brazilian CAPES and the German DAAD. The project sets out to evaluate the applicability and performance of two meta-heuristics for complex optimization problems in SCP that were recently proposed by the Brazilian project partners: the Fish School Search (FSS), an optimization technique inspired by the collective behavior of fish schools, and Evolutionary Self-Organized Map (EvSOM). Thus, the project contributes to the ongoing research in Supply Chain Planning by applying new, promising optimization techniques and feeds back the experiences made during this application into the ongoing development of the two new meta-heuristics.

KeywordsPROBRAL; Meta-Heuristik; Supply Chain Planning; Supply Chain Management; SCM
Funding identifier54418491
Funder / funding scheme
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Project management at the University of Münster

Hellingrath, Bernd
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Hellingrath, Bernd
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)

Research associates from the University of Münster

Siqueira, Diego
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)