CRC TRR 170 - B02: Stable isotope fractionation of S, Te and Pd and the roles of core formation and late accretion on siderophile volatile elements in the Earth

Basic data for this project

Type of projectSubproject in DFG-joint project hosted outside University of Münster
Duration at the University of Münster01/01/2016 - 31/12/2019 | 1st Funding period


The aim of this study is to investigate the stable isotope composition of terrestrial mantle rocks (S, Te and Pd) and chondritic meteorites (Te and Pd) and to calibrate experimentally the stable isotope fractionation for the aforementioned elements imparted by metal-silicate equilibration during core formation. The measurements and experiments will constrain the geochemical behavior of S, Te, and Pd and their isotopes during core formation and may help to explain the observed isotopic differences between chondrites and bulk silicate Earth.

Keywordscore formation; siderophile voilatile elements
Website of the project
Funding identifierTRR 170/1
Funder / funding scheme
  • DFG - Collaborative Research Centre (SFB)

Project management at the University of Münster

Fischer-Gödde, Mario
Professorship for experimental and analytical planetology (Prof. Kleine)
Klemme, Stephan
Professur für Petrologie (Prof. Klemme)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Fischer-Gödde, Mario
Professorship for experimental and analytical planetology (Prof. Kleine)
Klemme, Stephan
Professur für Petrologie (Prof. Klemme)

Research associates from the University of Münster

Hellmann, Jan
Professorship for experimental and analytical planetology (Prof. Kleine)

Project partners outside the University of Münster

  • Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin)Germany

Coordinating organisations outside the University of Münster

  • Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin)Germany