Impact cratering is a fundamental geologic process in the solar system. Understanding of this process requires multi- and interdisciplinary research that includes studies of natural craters, laboratory experiments, and numerical simulations. Central to MEMIN is a newly designed two-stage light gas gun capable to produce craters in the decimeter-range in solid rocks, a size previously not achieved at the laboratory scale that enables detailed spatial analyses. The cratering experiments on sandstone targets comprise a parametric study on the role of water, porosity, target layering, and impact velocity on cratering mechanics, shock effects, and projectile distribution during cratering. The work program includes (i) complete mineralogical-petrophysical, and mechanical characterization of the target prior and after the experiment using, for example, state-of-the-art geophysical tools for meso-scale tomography, (ii) stringent control of the impact experimental itself with newly developed in-situ real-time measurements of fracture propagation, stresses, crater growth and ejecta dynamics, and (iii) numerical modeling of the observations. MEMIN is designed to yield a solid data base for validation and refining of numerical cratering models that will allow scaling of meso-scale observations to the size of natural craters.
Deutsch, Alexander | Working Group of apl. Prof. Deutsch |
Deutsch, Alexander | Working Group of apl. Prof. Deutsch |