Vergleichende Genomanalysen zur Adaptation von Escherichia coli Stamm Nissle 1917 in verschiedenen Wirten.

Basic data for this project

Type of projectIndividual project
Duration at the University of Münster01/07/2017 - 30/09/2020


KeywordsGenomplastizität; Genomanalysen; E. coli Nissle 1917
Funder / funding scheme
  • Pharma-Zentrale GmbH

Project management at the University of Münster

Cichon, Christoph
Institute of Infectiology
Dobrindt, Ulrich
Institute of Hygiene
Schmidt, M. Alexander
Institute of Infectiology

Applicants from the University of Münster

Cichon, Christoph
Institute of Infectiology
Dobrindt, Ulrich
Institute of Hygiene
Schmidt, M. Alexander
Institute of Infectiology