General information The following institutions are involved in DynaMo: · University of Stuttgart - Stuttgart Research Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies (ZIRIUS) (Dr. Marco Sonnberger; Sophia Alcántara, M.A.) & Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT) (Martin Feldwieser, M.A.) University of Münster (WWU) - Institute of Political Science, Global Environmental Governance (Dr. Antonia Graf, N.N.) · Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) (Dipl.-Ing. Nora Fanderl, M.Sc.) DynaMo is funded within the research funding program ‘Social-Ecological Research' of Germany's ‘Federal Ministry of Education and Research' (BMBF). Dr. Antonia Graf (University of Münster) and Dr. Marco Sonnberger (University of Stuttgart - ZIRIUS) lead the junior research group. Context and objectives Most cities are currently struggling with transformation processes in the mobility sector. In collaboration with citizens, civil society, industry and researchers, cities have to master a number of complex challenges. The reduction of energy consumption and related emissions are the greatest and perhaps the most urgent of them all. In light of these challenges, DynaMo will explore current processes of change as well as future potentials for change (dynamics) in the urban mobility sector. Thereby, DynaMo will focus on social and technical innovations in the sociotechnical system of mobility investigating options for a more sustainable (economic, social and ecological) design of urban mobility systems. The team will analyze different mobility-related case examples with an emphasis on the following perspectives and research questions: Technology integration: a) How can information and communication technology help to foster sustainable mobility innovations? (Project partner IAT) b) What are profitable business models for sustainable mobility innovations? (Project partner IAO) Changes in mobility practices and associated lifestyles: a) To what extent does the expansion of sustainable mobility innovations require changes in mobility practices and associated lifestyles? b) How can sustainable mobility innovations trigger changes in mobility practices and associated lifestyles? (Project partner ZIRIUS) User participation and legitimacy: a) How can sustainable mobility innovations be governed? b) When do users perceive those innovations as legitimate? (Project partner WWU) With the above outlined focus and research question Henceforth, DynaMo will seek to develop systemic knowledge about the interplay of social, technical and economic factors in the transformation of urban mobility systems. Furthermore, transformation knowledge in the form of (policy) recommendations for the implementation of sustainable mobility concepts will be generated. The strong emphasis on transdisciplinary cooperation in the project will strengthen the relevance of the outcomes for the uptake and implementation.
Graf, Antonia | Junior professorship for global environmental governance (Prof. Graf) |
Graf, Antonia | Junior professorship for global environmental governance (Prof. Graf) |
Stockmann, Nils | Institute of Political Science (IfPol) |