The aim of the Topical Program is to create a platform of exchange for scholars located at the University of Münster whose work touches on different forms and aspects of artefacts. Although the study of artefacts has been a long-standing concern in some disciplines within the Humanities, other Humanities and Social Science disciplines have only recently started to (re)focus attention on artefacts and their embedding in changing social and historical settings. The Topical Program capitalizes on the unique combination of empirical-descriptive and systematic-normative expertise on artefacts available at the University of Münster to propose two novel perspectives. First, it will explore in a systematic way and from various disciplinary angles the various ways in temporalities and artefacts relate to and affect and mold each other. Second, in contrast to a tendency in the Humanities to equate artefacts with material objects or “things”, it conceives of artefacts as material and immaterial entities.
Lichtenberger, Jan Achim | Professorship for Classical Archaeology (Prof. Lichtenberger) Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |
Schulz, Dorothea | Professorship for ethnology (Prof. Schulz) |
Lichtenberger, Jan Achim | Professorship for Classical Archaeology (Prof. Lichtenberger) |
Beck, Hans | Professorship for ancient history with the focus on Greek history |
Custodis, Michael | Professur für Musik der Gegenwart und Systematische Musikwissenschaft (Prof. Custodis) |
Gleser, Ralf | Professorship for pre- and early history |
Jäger, Ralf Martin | Professur für Ethnomusikologie und Europäische Musikgeschichte (Prof. Jäger) |
Keller-Drescher, Lioba | Institute for Cultural Anthropology/ European Ethnology |
Keupp, Jan | Professur für Mittelalterliche Geschichte (Prof. Keupp) |
Krems, Eva-Bettina | Professorship for art history |
Lohwasser, Angelika | Professur für Ägyptologie (Prof. Lohwasser) |
Mesch, Walter | Professur für Philosophie mit dem Schwerpunkt Antike und Mittelalterliche Philosophie (Prof. Mesch) |
Meyer-Schlenkrich, Carla | Professur für Westfälische und Vergleichende Landesgeschichte (Prof. Meyer-Schlenkrich) |
Niebaum, Jens | Professorship of Art History / History of Architecture (Prof. Niebaum) |
Sänger, Patrick-Antoine | Professorship of Ancient History with special emphasis on the auxiliary sciences |
Schenke, Gesa | Professorship of Coptology |
Schmücker, Reinold | Professur für Philosophie mit dem Schwerpunkt Philosophische Ästhetik, Theorie der Kulturwissenschaften und Medienphilosophie (Prof. Schmücker) |
Scholz, Oliver Robert | Professur für Philosophie mit dem Schwerpunkt Ontologie und Erkenntnistheorie (Prof. Scholz) |
Strobach, Niko | Professur für Philosophie mit dem Schwerpunkt Logik und Sprachphilosophie (Prof. Strobach) |
Thünemann, Holger | Professorship of history didactics with special consideration of the historical culture (Prof. Thünemann) |
Winckler, Barbara | Juniorprofessur für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft (Prof. Winckler) |