FOR 5393: The future smart town - Subproject: Educational Infrastructures in Mid-sized Cities

Basic data for this project

Type of projectSubproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration at the University of Münster01/01/2023 - 31/12/2026 | 1st Funding period


The subproject Educational Infrastructures examines how digital infrastructures in education complement the existing educational offerings in mid-sized cities and looks at the potentials and limitations of digitalisation to support local educational infrastructures. The idea of the project departs from the observation that the opportunity structures of young people in German mid-sized cities are shaped by two main developments: On the one hand, young peoples’ access to education still varies substantially across the regions; on the other hand, the educational policies have been dominated by new digital forms of governance. The subproject, however, places the accessibility of education centre stage, which points to the subjectively perceived accessibility of educational systems and the ability to shape and eventually change the educational decision-making. The partners work transdisciplinarily to scrutinise what the school-based, extracurricular, formal, and non-formal educational services in mid-sized cities are and to capture the various points and means of cooperation and communication (ways, reasons, interactions) among the actors. Based on the evidence gathered, they can provide insights on how to overcome the typical “pillarization” of educational landscapes and to enhance the life chances and opportunity structures of young people. The subproject applies both qualitative and quantitative research methods in contrasting case studies. It is split into five working packages and starts with a reconstruction of institutional infrastructures, both school-based and extracurricular, by applying the method of document analysis. It then continues with researching the various rationalities, practices, and courses of action that appear among the actors involved. By applying expert interviews, the subproject examines the existing processes and interactions in the mid-sized cities. Finally, the subproject captures the competences, needs, and requirements of the educational policymakers and practitioners by conducting web-based expert surveys. In line with the knowledge-based and application-based foci of the research group, the subproject also enquires into the possibilities of efficient use and/or establishment of digital infrastructures in mid-sized cities. In line with the overall concept of the research group, the subproject seeks to understand how the processes of digitalisation shape the capabilities/capability sets of relevant actors in education, how they affect educational structures, networks, and processes, and what needs and requirements become visible and/or problematic. Since mid-sized cities are conceptualised as living labs and are actively involved in the research process, it becomes possible to examine, how the existing rationalities, practices, and actor-constellations are being re-framed and re-adjusted through the processes of digitalisation and to propose solutions in terms of policy recommendations, datasets, and reflexive tools. See:

KeywordsEducational infrastructures; Digitalisation; Opportunity structures; Mid-sized city Capability; Liveability
Website of the project
Funding identifierPA 1771/3-1 | DFG project number: 462287308
Funder / funding scheme
  • DFG - Research Unit (FOR)

Project management at the University of Münster

Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo
Professorship für international and comparative educational sciences (Prof. Parreira do Amaral)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo
Professorship für international and comparative educational sciences (Prof. Parreira do Amaral)

Co-applicants from the University of Münster

Becker, Jörg
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)

Research associates from the University of Münster

Becker, Marten Frederik
Professorship für international and comparative educational sciences (Prof. Parreira do Amaral)
Zelinka, Jozef
Institute of Educational Sciences (IfE)

Project partners outside the University of Münster

  • Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)Germany