E-Government Campus: Coordination of platform development and implementation, creation of use cases (eGov-Campus)

Basic data for this project

Type of projectIndividual project
Duration at the University of Münster01/07/2020 - 31/12/2022 | 1st Funding period


The project e-GovCampus targets the development of a massive open online courses (MOOC)-platform, which will help to facilitate the development of the digitalization of the public sector in Germany. The main objective of both platform and project is to provide public officials with an educational offer, that enables them to develop their own skills in a location-independent, interactive and self-responsible fashion. The Chair for Information Systems is responsible for the project coordination. This firstly entails the conception and development of the platform, which includes the establishment and analysis of stakeholder requirements. Furthermore, activities are targeted to ensure the platform's sustainable impact, closely related future-proof business models and appropriate marketing efforts to ensure the existence of the platform even beyond the period of public financing.

Website of the projecthttps://egov-campus.org
Funding identifierV-DIL12/0018/0005; FI-50/043/001-022022
Funder / funding scheme
  • Hessian State Chancellery
  • Föderale IT-Kooperation (FITKO)

Project management at the University of Münster

Räckers, Michael
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Räckers, Michael
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)

Research associates from the University of Münster

Halsbenning, Sebastian
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)
Koddebusch, Michael
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)
Koelmann, Holger
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)
Niemann, Marco
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)