Tagung: Protestantisches Familienbild? Grundlegungsfragen im Gespräch mit aktuellen sozialphilosophischen- und wissenschaftlichen Theorien.

Basic data for this project

Type of projectScientific Event
Duration at the University of Münster27/09/2019 - 28/09/2019


KeywordsFamilienbild; Sozialphilosophie; Philosophie; Evangelische Kirche; Evangelische Theologie
Funder / funding scheme
  • Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen
  • Friends and Booster Club of the Faculty of Protestant Theology Münster e.V.

Project management at the University of Münster

Käfer, Anne
Professorship for reformed theology with the focus on dogmatics and history of theology of reformed protestantism

Applicants from the University of Münster

Käfer, Anne
Professorship for reformed theology with the focus on dogmatics and history of theology of reformed protestantism

Research associates from the University of Münster

König, Bastian Frédérique Joshua
Sub-department of Reformed Theology
Kreft, Marcel
Institute of Ethics and Adjacent Social Sciences (IfES)