EXC 2044 - C3: Interacting particle systems and phase transitions

Basic data for this project

Type of projectSubproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration at the University of Münster01/01/2019 - 31/12/2025 | 1st Funding period


The question of whether a system undergoes phase transitions and what the critical parameters are is intrinsically related to the structure and geometry of the underlying space. We will study such phase transitions for variational models, for processes in random environments, for interacting particle systems, and for complex networks. Of special interest are the combined effects of fine-scalerandomly distributed heterogeneities and small gradient perturbations. We aim to connect different existing variational formulations for transportation networks, image segmentation, and fracture mechanics and explore the resulting implications on modelling, analysis, and numerical simulation of such processes. We will study various aspects of complex networks, i.e. sequences of random graphs (Gn)n∈N, asking for limit theorems as n tends to infinity. A main task will be to broaden the class of networks that can be investigated, in particular, models which include geometry and evolve in time. We will study Ising models on random networks or with random interactions, i.e. spin glasses. Fluctuations of order parameters and free energies will be analysed, especially at the critical values where the system undergoes a phase transition. We will also investigate whether a new class of interacting quantum fields connected with random matrices and non-commutative geometry satisfies the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms. Further, we will study condensation phenomena, where complex network models combine the preferential attachment paradigm with the concept of fitness. In the condensation regime, a certain fraction of the total mass dynamically accumulates at one point, the condensate. The aim is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the condensation. We willalso explore connections to structured population models. Further, we will study interacting particle systems on graphs that describe social interaction or information exchange. Examples are the averaging process or the Deffuant model. We will also analyse asymmetric exclusion processes (ASEP) on arbitrary network structures. An interesting aspect will be how these processes are influenced by different distribution mechanisms of the particles at networks nodes. If the graph is given by a lattice, we aim to derive hydrodynamic limits for the ASEP with jumps of different ranges for multiple species, and for stochastic interactingmany-particle models of reinforced random walks. Formally, local cross-diffusion syste ms are obtained as limits of the classical multi-species ASEP and of the many-particle random walk. We will compare the newly resulting limiting equations and are interested in fluctuations, pattern formation, and the long-time behaviour of these models on the microscopic and the macroscopic scale. Further, we will analyse properties of the continuous directed polymer in a random environment.

Keywordsvariational models; variational analysis; interacting systems; complex networks; dynamics; random environments; particle systems;phase transitions
Website of the projecthttps://www.uni-muenster.de/MathematicsMuenster/research/modelsandapproximations/
Funding identifierEXC 2044/1
Funder / funding scheme
  • DFG - Cluster of Excellence (EXC)

Project management at the University of Münster

Dereich, Steffen
Professorship for Theory of Probability (Prof. Dereich)
Jentzen, Arnulf
Professorship for applied mathematics (Prof. Jentzen)
Kabluchko, Zakhar
Professorship for probability theory (Prof. Kabluchko)
Löwe, Matthias
Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Löwe)
Mukherjee, Chiranjib
Junior professorship for theory of probability (Prof. Mukherjee)
Schlichting, André
Professorship of applied mathematics (Prof. Schlichting)
Stevens, Angela
Professur für Angewandte Analysis (Prof. Stevens)
Weber, Hendrik
Professorship of Mathematics (Prof. Weber)
Wirth, Benedikt
Professorship of Biomedical Computing/Modelling (Prof. Wirth)
Wulkenhaar, Raimar
Professur für Reine Mathematik (Prof. Wulkenhaar)
Zeppieri, Caterina Ida
Professur für Analysis und Modellierung (Prof. Zeppieri)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Dereich, Steffen
Professorship for Theory of Probability (Prof. Dereich)
Kabluchko, Zakhar
Professorship for probability theory (Prof. Kabluchko)
Löwe, Matthias
Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Löwe)
Mukherjee, Chiranjib
Junior professorship for theory of probability (Prof. Mukherjee)
Stevens, Angela
Professur für Angewandte Analysis (Prof. Stevens)
Wirth, Benedikt
Professorship of Biomedical Computing/Modelling (Prof. Wirth)
Wulkenhaar, Raimar
Professur für Reine Mathematik (Prof. Wulkenhaar)
Zeppieri, Caterina Ida
Professur für Analysis und Modellierung (Prof. Zeppieri)