In this unit, we will use generalisations of optimal transport metrics to develop gradient flow descriptions of (cross)-diffusion-reaction systems, rigorously analyse their pattern forming properties, and develop corresponding efficient numerical schemes. Related transport-type- and hyperbolic systems will be compared with respect to their pattern-forming behaviour, especially when mass is conserved. Bifurcations and the effects of noise perturbations will be explored. Moreover, we aim to understand defect structures, their stability and their interactions. Examples are the evolution of fractures in brittle materials and of vortices in fluids. Our analysis will explore the underlying geometry of defect dynamics such as gradient descents or Hamiltonian structures. Also, we will further develop continuum mechanics and asymptotic descriptions for multiple bodies which deform, divide, move, and dynamically attach to each other in order to better describe the bio-mechanics of growing and dividing soft tissues. Finally, we are interested in the asymptotic analysis of various random structures as the size or the dimension of the structure goes to infinity. More specifically, we shall consider random polytopes and random trees.For random polytopes we would like to compute the expected number of faces in all dimensions, the expected (intrinsic) volume, and absorption probabilities, as well as higher moments and limit distributions for these quantities.
Alsmeyer, Gerold | Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Alsmeyer) |
Engwer, Christian | Professorship for Applications of Partial Differential Equations |
Friedrich, Manuel | Junior professorship for mathematical optimisation (Prof. Friedrich) |
Gusakova, Anna | Juniorprofessorship of applied mathematics (Prof. Gusakova) |
Hille, Lutz | Mathematical Institute |
Holzegel, Gustav | Professorship of analysis - partial differential equation theory (Prof. Holzegel) |
Huesmann, Martin | Professorship of applied mathematics |
Jentzen, Arnulf | Professorship for applied mathematics (Prof. Jentzen) |
Kabluchko, Zakhar | Professorship for probability theory (Prof. Kabluchko) |
Pirner, Marlies | Juniorprofessur für Angewandte Mathematik (Prof. Pirner) |
Schedensack, Mira | Junior professorship of applied mathematics (Prof. Schedensack) |
Schlichting, André | Professorship of applied mathematics (Prof. Schlichting) |
Seis, Christian | Professorship for applied mathematics (Prof. Seis) |
Simon, Theresa | Juniorprofessorship of Applied Mathematics (Prof. Simon) |
Stevens, Angela | Professur für Angewandte Analysis (Prof. Stevens) |
Wirth, Benedikt | Professorship of Biomedical Computing/Modelling (Prof. Wirth) |
Wulkenhaar, Raimar | Professur für Reine Mathematik (Prof. Wulkenhaar) |
Zeppieri, Caterina Ida | Professur für Analysis und Modellierung (Prof. Zeppieri) |
Alsmeyer, Gerold | Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Alsmeyer) |
Engwer, Christian | Professorship for Applications of Partial Differential Equations |
Friedrich, Manuel | Junior professorship for mathematical optimisation (Prof. Friedrich) |
Hille, Lutz | Mathematical Institute |
Kabluchko, Zakhar | Professorship for probability theory (Prof. Kabluchko) |
Schedensack, Mira | Junior professorship of applied mathematics (Prof. Schedensack) |
Seis, Christian | Professorship for applied mathematics (Prof. Seis) |
Stevens, Angela | Professur für Angewandte Analysis (Prof. Stevens) |
Wirth, Benedikt | Professorship of Biomedical Computing/Modelling (Prof. Wirth) |
Wulkenhaar, Raimar | Professur für Reine Mathematik (Prof. Wulkenhaar) |
Zeppieri, Caterina Ida | Professur für Analysis und Modellierung (Prof. Zeppieri) |