The project involves four international expert symposia with Shin-Buddhist, Muslim and Christian scholars exploring various issues of joint doctrinal concerns. The first symposium took place in Kyoto (2/2017), the second in Muenster (7/2017). The third symposium will be held in Washington (6/2018) and the fourth meeting in Berkeley (6/2019). The publication of the proceedings is scheduled for 2020. The project leaders are Prof. Dennis Hirota (Ryukoku University), Prof. Peter Phan (Georgetown University) and Prof. Perry Schmidt-Leukel (WWU). The project is jointly funded by resources from all three universities, including funds from the Cluster of Excellence "Relgion and Politics".
Khorchide, Mouhanad | Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |
Nitsche, Bernhard | Professur für Fundamentaltheologie und Religionsphilosophie (Prof. Nitsche) |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry | Professorship of Religious Studies and Inter-Faith Theology (Prof. Schmidt-Leukel) |
Emirahmetoglu, Elif | Institute for Religious Studies and Inter-Faith Theology |
Rumel, Daniel | Professur für Fundamentaltheologie und Religionsphilosophie (Prof. Nitsche) |