In this project, we will investigate for the first time in both sexes of a ‘higher’ vertebrate whether social niche conformance occurs during adolescence and beyond. Based on extensive previous work, Guinea Pigs will be used as a model system. We will compare males that vary in social status and live at either high or low individual numbers. In females, the effects of pregnancy and social status will be studied. In addition, niche transitions (e.g., from low to high social status) will be experi¬men¬tally induced in both sexes. To assess how well individuals adjust to different social niches and to niche transitions, behavioural and endocrinological parameters as well as reproductive output will be assessed. The project will contribute significantly to a better understanding of social niche conformance during later phases in life.
Kaiser, Sylvia | Professorship of Neuro- and Behavioural Biology (Prof. Sachser) |
Sachser, Norbert | Professorship of Neuro- and Behavioural Biology (Prof. Sachser) |
Kaiser, Sylvia | Professorship of Neuro- and Behavioural Biology (Prof. Sachser) |
Sachser, Norbert | Professorship of Neuro- and Behavioural Biology (Prof. Sachser) |
Mutwill, Alexandra | Professorship for behavioral biology and animal welfare (Prof. Richter) |