Einfluss von Vasopressin-V1- und V2-Agonisten auf die kortikale Mikrozirkulation, renale Oxygenierung und Nierenfunktion in normothermen, mit autologem Blut pulsatil perfundierten Kaninchennieren

Basic data for this project

Type of projectOwn resources project
Duration at the University of Münstersince 01/07/2017


KeywordsIsolated perfused Kidney; Mikrozirkulation

Project management at the University of Münster

Heßler, Michael
Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Surgical Critical Care Medicine and Pain Therapy

Research associates from the University of Münster

Arnemann, Philip-Helge
Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Surgical Critical Care Medicine and Pain Therapy
Ertmer, Christian
Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Surgical Critical Care Medicine and Pain Therapy
Kampmeier, Tim-Gerald
Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Surgical Critical Care Medicine and Pain Therapy
Seidel, Laura Mareen
Clinic for Anaesthesiology, Surgical Critical Care Medicine and Pain Therapy