Junior Scholar Award

Basic data of the distinction

Type of award: Best publication award
Awarded by: European Committee for Sport History (CESH)
Award given to: Reinhart, Kai
Date of awarding: 15/09/2009
Amount of prize money: 300 EUR

About the distinction

Since 1996 CESH has awarded Junior Scholar Awards for outstanding papers handed in by scholars under 35 years of age at its Annual International CESH Congresses. CESH is encouraging the participation of young scholars, the next generation of European sport historians. It is therefore presenting some (2 to 5) awards for scholars 35 years and under (and not already a recipient of a CESH Award).

About the award

Since 1996 CESH has awarded Junior Scholar Awards for outstanding papers handed in by scholars under 35 years of age at its Annual International CESH Congresses. CESH is encouraging the participation of young scholars, the next generation of European sport historians. It is therefore presenting some (2 to 5) awards for scholars 35 years and under (and not already a recipient of a CESH Award): Criteria for all participants in the junior scholar awards All participants have to meet the following 10 conditions: paper must deal with sport history and meet the Congress theme, paper must be based on original – and not on secondary – sources, paper, or parts of it, must not have been published previously, paper can be submitted in any European language, paper must not exceed 6000 words paper must strictly obey the CESH Regulations for Authors, applicant must not be older than 35 years when attending the Congress, applicant must be a member of CESH, applicant must not have received a CESH prize before applicant must attend the CESH Congress and present her/his paper.
Type of award: Publication prizes
Website of the award or committee: http://www.cesh-site.eu/index.php?page=award
Zeitraum der Vergabe: since 1996