Förderpreis des wissenschaftlichen Beirats des LOS-Verbandes

Basic data of the distinction

Type of award: Research award or other distinction
Awarded by: Lehrinstitut für Orthographie und Sprachkompetenz (LOS)
Award given to: Leopold, Claudia
Date of awarding: 15/10/2009
Amount of prize money: 500 EUR

About the distinction

Link to the press release of the awarding organisation: http://www.losdirekt.de/dante-cms/live/struktur.jdante?sid=FPGEGBENFDEIEMFPCIADAAAAAAGJAIAEAAAAGGBEDBCODDDIDJDHDHDIDGDFDJDGDBDFDIDFDDDFEFDJGMADAAAAAADMCJEECJIPDCC141&dph=&aid=1131&back_id=4128&parent_id=3731&node_id=4128